Here is another SET of out puzzles. Theme of escape room is "virus":
Virus, creating a virus, laboratory, chemistry, etc.
Nuclear rods -- suits for LAB theme
Connect cities. Instead cities we will add names of viruses or chemical components
Gas detector. Gas pressure controller in laboratory
Picture with missing details. Imagine, that it will be some custom picture relevant to "virus" theme, not only the picture, but also and objects (missing details).
Info board. Also suitable for "lab" theme. Also with custom plates.
Jars. Colorful jazz with different elements
Arrows machine
Finger print. To enter into secret location or secret compartment
Barcode scanner. Scan barcode of some objects (test tubes with chemicals)
Hanger with built-in box. Classic for almost any theme
Brainteaser. Words and buttons will be customized up to lab-style
Phone prop. Also classic for any theme.
Best regards,
EcoDecor team