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  • EscapeRooms_EcoDecor

Game robot "Robert"

We would like to talk about one more project that we have completed, that is creating a robot.

It is in some ways similar to the famous robot R2D2. The dimensions of the robot are:

1100-850-750 mm.

Our clients have challenged us to make a controlled robot for a quest room.

Requirements for the robot:

  • Reliable construction, so that it could be safely left with the players

  • Full-functioning LCD display

  • Radio control

  • Autonomous work on batteries

The players are in contact with the following elements:

  • Start button

  • Battery compartment

  • Cartridges compartment

Apart from the 3 mentioned elements, the game operator contacts with:

  • Key switch

  • Remote radio control

  • Indicator of charge/discharge

Game logic of the quiz:

  1. The robot operator turns on the key switch, system boot takes 1-2 minutes.

  2. The robot stands still with the screen off.

  3. The players come up to it and press big red start button.

  4. After pressing the button, the screen turns on (LCD 7 inch) displaying picture No.1, explaining the players what they have to do in order to find and insert the battery.

  5. Players find the battery and insert it into battery compartment. As a result, the screen turns on, displaying picture №2 with the tip 1.

  6. Players find cartridge #1 and insert it into the compartment for cartridges. The screen turns on, displaying picture No. 3 with the tip No. 2.

  7. Players find cartridge #2 and insert it into the compartment for cartridges. The screen turns on with picture #4 and tip No.3.

When the quest is completed, the operator controlling the robot by remote control can take it to the waiting room for taking pictures. The motions of the robot are never used either by the players or by the operator during the quest.

Electronic components:

  • The screen is controlled by a Raspberry Pi 2.

  • The presence/absence of a battery is controlled by Arduino UNO.

  • Two motor-reducer controlled by the driver of the motors from the same Arduino UNO.

  • There is a sensor and an indicator for the battery discharge and charge installed.

  • When the level is below 30%, the indicator is on (red light)

  • Yellow light indicates charging process, green light means the battery is charged and the cable can be taken out.

  • We have installed a powerful battery with the capacity of 12 Ah (amp hours, 12Ah); battery life on a single charge is 4-5 days, provided that the robot will move no more than 30 minutes per day.

  • The electronics has a small cooling system, since the body has no ventilation holes. Based on our "quest" experience, this is more preferable.

The method of production:

The robot is made of milled MDF, PVC 3 to 10mm thick, steel profile and molded Plexiglas. The total weight of the robot with all components is around 17 kg. We used a powerful-geared motor with a torque of 20kg/m. Each reducer motor includes a speed sensor connected to the microcontroller.

We used wheels with a large diameter (115mm) for better crossing of the small obstacles (10-20mm in height). The robot easily goes in all directions with the screen forward and back. Control is made on "tank" principle, when at the time of a turn one wheel rotates forward and the second one rotates in the other direction. As a result, the robot can turn around almost on the spot.

We have mounted the front wheel freely rotating on a hinge, like on the shopping cart. On the side leg we bonded two metal guides to provide greater rigidity. Body is puttied up and painted in the special room and covered with film.

+7 (499) 399-39-73

Overall, we made a great robot! During the production process we solved a number of interesting tasks and had a great experience. Now, we can easily create something similar and even more complex!

Please, do not hesitate to contact us, should you have any questions. We would be delighted to help.

Kind Regards,

EcoDecor team

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