Here is another SET of out puzzles. Theme is "magic school" (Harry Potter inspired theme).

Blind character (with custom print):
Picture with missing details:
Colorful jars (instead of jars we can make different objects):
Music box (yes, there are buttons, but why not?):
Safe prop (antique version). Instead of «click» sound inside safe we can add some «magic» sound:
Chess v2. If theme is magic school or identical, it is rathe logic to have chess inside school. With external mag.lock or with built in box:
Weapon shield. Rather relevant. Instead of swords can make other magic objects:
Magic mirror with custom print:
Antique clock with built-in box — puzzle in old-school style:
Beware of a touch. Outlook of that puzzle is similar to magic theme:
Pure magic puzzle:
Magic cube. With custom decoration of course:
Exorcist board. Also good for magic theme (Ouija board):
15-puzzle with custom print:
Four stones. Instead of stones can make other objects:
Box with a lift (Statue version):
Tambourine. Good for magic style decoration:
or knock-knock puzzle:
Candle cache. Custom print on the top:
Hold hands (two panels). Outlook is not super-magic, but the final result of the puzzle is wow:

Best regards,
EcoDecor team